Monday, September 1, 2008

it's in the everyday

i read a while back on another mom's blog that she tries to photograph the everyday moments that make up her life with her kids. in thinking about that, i've tried to capture some of those more simple moments with garrett. what i'm finding is that these everyday photos are the ones i love the most...that best reflect what it is i see in him & feel about little baby monkey!

in the last month, he has fallen in love with being in the bath! while sitting up, he'll kick his legs so fast & furious that he'll scoot all the way from one of the tub to the next. he splashes like crazy & doesn't care in the least if all that water goes directly in his face!

today was not a particularly great day with our little guy. he's been fussy the past few days (some stomach issues going on there!). PLUS, he's (we *think*) starting into some separation issues with mommy! :-( making mine & brian's lives a tad more difficult as he's not done anything like that previously.

but this afternoon he was so happy in his bath that i had to grab my camera! (don't worry...brian was there supervising while i ran to get it.) i love these shots. i love his little rolls. i love the way his eyes look so big & he looks so innocent.


beth said...

SOOOO precious! SO smart to capture those moments, too. You will absolutely be glad that you have those as time goes by!
Hang in there with the separation will come and go for a little while. But, this, too, will pass.

Susan said...

OMG! too adorable! i especially love the last one with the view of his tiny crack! you're going to have some great photos for his graduation and rehearsal dinner slide-shows! you're doing a fantastic job photographing that sweet little man!

Unknown said...

Oh my word-I could eat those rolls. So cute. Garrett looks just like a Houser. I wanted to tell you that you might want to sign up for Trish Chastain's caringbridge website. She is Jason's wife and is battling cancer. I didn't know if you knew this or not.

LWB said...

Those eyes! Sweet little guy- getting so big. So wonderful to hear you soaking in ever little moment. Great photos too, btw.


Lee said...

So adorable, Beth. I agree, his big eyes and innocent looks are precious. And you're a great photographer. Love how you captured these everyday moments!