Thursday, February 28, 2008

is he supposed to sleep like this?

no matter what type of positioner we've used, garrett has always managed to get himself twisted off of it. to the point that i've just stopped using them. the only way to keep him totally immobile is to use a swaddler - which can seem to frustrate him. but, really? *this* is comfortable? i mean, i guess his face is saying so, right? ha! in the last 2 weeks, he's also become familiar with his little hands! so now when he sleeps he's constantly looking for them...which makes for some restless sleep until he finds those fingers again (i haven't caught him on camera just yet!) & he won't hold onto his paci, so it's no good either! also leads to some little scratches on his face (which you can kind of see here).


EAJan678 said...

I can't believe he let you take that many photos of him so close while he was sleeping. I tried that once - never again. Don't like waking my sleeping baby!
He is a complete doll!!
Love and miss you guys,
Ashley Jansen

beth said...

I just want to kiss those cheeks! You are so lucky he didn't open those eyes in that last shot! He kinda looks like he's just pretending he's really asleep! Ha Ha!

Andrew and Denise said...

Gavin sleeps like that too. I don't know how many times I have come in and he has his head up in the corner of the crib. Andrew says he is just airing out his neck rolls. What a cutie. He has changed his looks even from the last picture you posted of him. Oh, I need to email you about the circles.

LWB said...

What a little angel! The last pic is my fave. I want to pinch those cheeks!!


Susan said...

little G looks totally at peace! now don't wake up that sweet little boy!