Monday, July 20, 2009

stacking boxes


(click on the photo above to enlarge)

today started off a little hectic @ the white house...i had a regularly scheduled OB appt, but had some complications that made my visit a little longer than i expected - did get to see the baby via u/s, so that's always a treat. thankfully, all is well. i'm dilated about 1.5 & the baby looks great...but barring going into natural labor, we're going to be induced on the morning of july 29th - hard to believe we're only 9 days away from meeting the little girl who will turn our *party of 3* into a *family of 4*!

but driving home from the dr & once i knew all was ok, all i could think about were the boys waiting @ B & little G. garrett's completely in love with brian right now...probably 15 (no exaggeration) times a day garrett says, "ma!" (& he waits, totally pauses until i acknowlege him); i say, "yes, garrett" or "what, buddy?"; & G says, "where da?" it's so sweet...he's always asking about his daddy! :-) so when i got home i could tell he was in a particularly good mood b/c he'd had all that alone time w/ brian during the AM.

then my own morning with garrett was sweet too...complete with reading books & stacking boxes. just stacking boxes. it thrilled me to watch him figure out how to do it in order so that he could get all the boxes on there. it cracked me up to watch him *crash* them all down. that's conference calls, no important meetings to go to, no fun new outfit to oogle over w/ the girls @ the office, just watching my 19-month-old be proud of himself for stacking boxes & knocking them over.

i wonder how life will change with two little ones desiring my love & attention each day. i value the experience & advice of many other moms who have been so reassuring as i approach this time. but i am cherishing, relishing every day i have left with just the little man.

& i can't let this post go w/o thanking one of my favorite people - susan b! - for making my life much simpler today...thank you for taking little man with you & the kids to the pool, for feeding him dinner & giving him a bath! you spoil him (& us!)!!! thank you, thank you, thank you for loving on him & treating him to such a special afternoon. love you, girl!
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JAMES & SUSAN said...

I can't believe that you're less than 2 weeks away from delivering your baby girl!!!! WOW

I love reading the stories about Garrett and how happy you are to be a stay-at-home mom. I'm really struggling with what I'm going to do and it's great to see that you (a once fully committed career woman) is able to find joy and peace in staying at home and caring for your children- having left your "old life" behind.

Are the grandparents coming to stay with you and help after the baby arrives?


beth said...

It will be so neat for you to see another dimension of Garrett-as a loving big brother! I do remember the emotions of those "last days" with my oldest/only.
I'll be praying for you in these last days and through your labor.

Anonymous said...

its so easy to share your love between the two, especially when you include garrett in what you do with baby girl. when breast feeding have a book or 2 with you that garrett and sit down next to you and read with you or just to look. keep him nearby so you know he's not into mischief!! thats important =) you will love having 2 and love how your love grows with your expanding family!!

i can't believe you are so close to meeting baby girl either! time sure flies!