Monday, April 6, 2009

logo recognition

a few weekends ago, brian suggested we hit Krispy Kreme for breakfast on a saturday morning...of course, i put up a fight (right) & eventually gave in. :-) we picked up some mini's...KK's new marketing strategy in which you actually consume MORE doughnuts b/c they're just so easy to walk by & pop one in your mouth!

thought we might see what garrett thought of them...well, he LOVED them. he held them like a little sandwich. he GOBBLED it down...then any time he walked through the kitchen he would point to the box, grunt & sign 'eat' to us! he totally recognizes that KK logo & wants IN that box. i finally had to hide it in the pantry!

soooo...b/w KK & Goldfish...garrett's already being *influenced* by all those dang logos! it's fun to watch our little guy experience new things...especially when they make him happy & he just laughs & laughs & laughs!

1 comment:

LWB said...

That's hilarious! Dang it all, though, you have me wanting KK! We have some friends from school and their daughter starts making fish noises when she realizes they are in the church parking lot b/c she loves getting Goldfish there. :)