Thursday, December 6, 2007

Our due date is today!

Update from dr appt yesterday...He feels that Baby White is going to be on the scene in the next few days. As in, I will not be seeing the dr for my scheduled appointment on Monday morning because the baby will already be here. No guarantees, of course, but the Houser-White clan is on standby ready to swoop in from all over the SE at a moment's notice!

Baby scored 8/8 on the ultrasound "test" yesterday which is all very good. They're estimating him/her to be around 7 pounds, 9 ounces. We saw a sweet little profile of the baby...each time we tried to look at the face head on, though, he/she held its hand up directly in front of its nose/mouth! The tech also pointed out the fuzzy line around the head which is apparently dark fuzzy hair! For some reason the thought of our little munchkin with dark hair is very funny to us!

Ok...that's it from the White House...we'll keep you posted! It's hard to believe that Dec. 6 has finally arrived!
Beth & Brian


Anonymous said...

Yea! I am so excited. We were sad we didn't get to see you on Thanksgiving though I totally understand. I just had to eat all of the cookies I made by myself! :)

Susan said...

Remember, my now little blondie arrived with dark fuzzy hair!!
Can't wait to get the call....