Saturday, April 26, 2008

always carry a spare

if i heard it once, i heard it a million times...but i chose - one saturday morning - to not put a spare in the diaper bag. a spare outfit, that is...

garrett had outgrown the spare outfit in his diaper bag, so i put it aside as i was checking his bag while walking out the door to a granite showroom. since it was going to be a quick trip (as in just going there & back), i thought i'd put a new one in there when we got back or before church the next morning. i should've taken the extra 27 seconds to run upstairs & get a new one!

on the way to the granite spot, garrett's diaper overflowed with...well, poo... so we changed him quickly in the cargo area of our SUV. only after i finished changing him did i realize there was NOT a back-up outfit in the diaper bag! but we had gone 30 minutes to this granite showroom & we were going in...naked baby or not. i felt compelled (but didn't actually) to explain to everyone why my child was only wearing a diaper in a public place. that i was merely an inexperienced mom who would (i hope to god) never let this happen again (i pray) and we are not the white trash that we appeared to be.

regardless, it was funny to put garrett in his car seat for the ride back home. he looked nearly naked sitting there in his diaper. he could've cared less, though! love this little man & all his sweet little faces!


LWB said...

what a story! those kinds of experiences will teach you fast to never do something again! glad you could laugh about it; we've all been there too!


Susan said...

oh yes! i, too, forgot the "spare" one day while kari & i had plans to meet doug at his office for lunch! we ended up eating chik-fil-a in the car with our naked baby! :)

Doug B said...

Oh yes, and I remember it too. %{ Happens to the best !!

Anonymous said...

Every mother has had this embarrassing experience. How are you doing?