I love to write. Not just write about something, but I like the feel of a pen in my hand and I’ll write anything down just to be writing. It’s why on the middle finger of my right hand, I have a hump. Brian (& a few people in my family) has made fun of me forever about my hump…and it’s from simply holding a pen in my hand so hard for so long and writing, and writing and writing some more. In school I never cared if I had to write sentences as punishment. I’d see how uniform I could make each sentence…which meant I had to write the first sentence perfectly. I will write my name, I used to write the name of my boyfriend’s last name with my first name, the names of potential children, now I practice writing Garrett’s name, random words, I write in print & cursive..trying to define exactly which “style” of my handwriting I like the best (my friend Laurie finally perfected her “style” and I love it). Perhaps my love for writing is what led me to want to be a “writer”/journalist/purveyor of words…Maybe one day I’ll “write" something great…In the meantime, I’m simply content to write my name over & over & over again.
Grace & mercy are not my spiritual gifts. This is not a good thing. I once heard it explained that we all possess a pump with two handles…one side is grace; the other side is truth. My grace pump has been broken for some time. It’s something I have to work on…in nearly every conversation, I literally remind myself to shut up. That what I want to say – whether it “is” the truth or what I simply “perceive” to be the truth – doesn’t necessarily need to be said. It’s why God had me marry someone like Brian. Someone who’s grace pump has an endless flow. Someone who reminds me that my words have power…and not in the way Joel Osteen or Creflo Dollar might say they do…but in the ways that build bridges or walls – I get to decide which one that will be with my words.
When I was in elementary school I shoplifted from the school cafeteria. They say you never forget these types of things & I never have. One day I plan to go there & return the $.20 that I “stole”. My mom would fill in at the cafeteria there whenever one of the ladies was out. When she was in one day, I went to see her – a few hours before any of the classes had come in for lunch. On my way out, the snack bar line had already been filled with all the candy. It was like I couldn’t resist…I remember that almost out of body feeling…taking the pack of Beach Balls (these were sour hard candies, a pack of 5) and then another pack of 5 sour something or others. I don’t remember when I ate them…but the experience of doing something I knew was so horribly wrong…I can still see my hand reaching for them & I remember the sensation I had walking out of that cafeteria. I can honestly say I never shoplifted again. I don’t know why I did that day.
Ok…this is actually turning out to be more like True Confessions…Let me try to lighten this up.
Alright, #4…I once met Jose Cuervo & his son. Yes, that’s right, Jose Cuervo. This particular Jose is a direct descendant of the infamous tequila makin’ family! He was starting a new brand of food/beverage products and was in the US to meet with the media. The importer of his products was my client, so I spent an afternoon taking Jose & crew around to various Atlanta, Hispanic & national media outlets touting his new line.
I recently said to a man with one arm, “Oh my gosh, you must have your hands full!” Does that need any further explanation? Probably the biggest “foot in mouth” comment of my life!
I have to give props to my friend Denise (who tagged me in this little game) because she’s training for a marathon – you go girl! My *dedication* to something that big pales in comparison; but I do love to sweat. It’s something that really only developed in the last 2 years. I finally decided to turn my health around, lose weight, eat right, work out, etc. The week of my 30th birthday I started a boot camp with my friend Susan (one of my workout idols!) – it kicked my workouts into high gear. You’re right…there’s nothing really interesting about all of that. BUT…Another friend once mentioned to me how he loved to wear gray t-shirts when working out b/c you could “see” how much you sweat. I was hooked. So, now, I’m totally into it. If my sports bra & tank top are not visibly soaked, I just don’t think I worked out that hard. I want to see those sweat stains, people – is that disgusting or what! (Side note: Favorite quote from boot camp…”Pain is just weakness leaving the body!”
What else? What else? What else? Gosh, this is hard. I’m starting to think I’m not that interesting.
Uhhmmm…let’s see. I have to ask Brian.
Ok – he didn’t have anything.
So...Finally…I have a scar on the center part of my upper lip. When I was almost 4 I stood – in my socks – on a small table that held my grandmother’s television. Grandmom was in the kitchen; my mom was feeding my brother. No sooner could Mom tell me to get down than the entire thing knocked me over backwards…falling down on top of me. That’s right…a TV fell ON my head! (Btw, the way the TV was a color tv…complete with rabbit ears & two dials – one for sound; the other for channels.) A TV falling on my head might explain more than just the scar on my upper lip. Anyway @ the little ER clinic, they had to strap me down in one of those papoose things to keep me still; Grandmom had to stay with me b/c Mom fainted – or almost fainted – when she saw them hook that needle through my lip. I distinctly remember a giant plastic turtle – which was actually a sandbox – in the play area of the waiting room.
Alright…TAG, you're it! (Thanks, Denise, for tagging me!) I don’t know if I know 7 people who have blogs (but you might have a MySpace or FaceBook page). BUT I do know 7 people, so I’m going to ask them to do this & just send it to me in an email or post it to your blog, but if you have a blog/MySpace/FaceBook post your 7 unique, weird or goofy facts about yourself & ask 7 of your friends to do the same:
Brian – dude, just post it back on our blog.
Susan – Your life is so interesting & I feel like I know a lot, but I’m sure I don’t know it all, so give me a few new facts.
Kelly Jo – Even though you are my sister & I *think* I know all there is to know, I’m sure you can conjure up a few more.
Laurie – You blog more than anyone I know, so I’m quite certain you can detail this one!
Jill – I don’t see enough of you anymore to know it all, so fill me in!
Boo Boo (aka, my coolest cousin, Katie D) – Since you moved far away from me you must answer these questions.
Jenna - Give it me to, girl! I know you have all sorts of crazy stories in there.